Category Archives: Mobility
Fox 7: Mayor Adler proposes multimillion dollar bond to fix mobility problem
We’ve studied – time to take the test on mobility
The Mayor’s Smart Corridor Plan is based on several other plans and initiatives that have already undergone extensive public engagement and have cost millions of dollars, and in classic Austin fashion they are sitting on a shelf gathering dust. We’ve done the studies. Now it’s time to take the test, and a passing grade is $720 million.
Airport Boulevard Corridor Development Program (6-12/11)
2016 Austin Bicyle Master Plan (8/12-11/14)
East Riverside Corridor Master Plan (8/8-2/10)
FM 969/East MLK Jr. Boulevard Corridor Development Plan (11/11-5/12)
Guadalupe Street Corridor Improvement Plan (12/14-5/15)
Mobility ATX (10/15-11/15)
North Lamar/Burnet Corridor Development Plan (9/11-1/12)
North Burnet/Gateway 2035 Master Plan Document (5/06-11/07)
East Riverside Corridor Development Program (10/11-3/12)
South Lamar Boulevard Corridor Improvement Program (12/14-4/16)
Vision Zero Action Plan – draft (1/15-5/16)
Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan (8/09-6/12)
Mayor Alder wants the $720 million mobility bond on November ballot

How clogged roads become “Smart Corridors”
According to a new Public Policy Priorities poll commissioned by the Austin Monitor, the worst
thing about living in Austin is — by far — transportation. More than half of Austinites (51%) chose transportation, beating out housing (20%) by better than a 2-to-1 margin. More Austinites are frustrated at transportation than they are at all their other concerns combined.
It’s time to do something meaningful to address our frustrations with traffic options and congestion. Continue reading