“We’ve got big traffic challenges on IH35 and Hwy. 183, and we need the State of Texas to do the really big projects that will fundamentally improve these roads. Central Texas needs the State of Texas to help us move more people and faster – regardless of politics. New managed lanes are working well on MoPac and, importantly, generating the missing revenue to do the work. Our region is open to such solutions because they move people, help transit, and connect our communities. The State can either give us the necessary tools to fix the problem or refuse to do so and watch with us while things get worse.”
Category Archives: Mobility
CBS AUSTIN: City of Austin leaders celebrate first project paid for by 2016 mobility bond
FOX 7: New Chesterfield Ave. sidewalk making a difference already
KXAN: Central Austin residents welcome new sidewalks
Passing Anti-Red Light Camera Bills Puts the Citizens of Austin at Risk on Our Roadways
By Mayor Adler
There are lots of opinions on red light cameras, but only one fact: Red light cameras save lives.
Crashes have declined by nearly 84% in Austin at intersections with red light cameras since 2008. Moreover, more than 45% of the red light running citations written are issued to people who don’t live in Austin.
Unquestionably, people are alive today in our city because we use red light cameras.
I encourage all members of the Texas Legislature to reject legislation which would ban this life-saving technology or hinder our ability to hold red light runners accountable, including HB 1244, SB 88 and SB 87. Continue reading