Category Archives: News Releases

The latest news releases from Mayor Adler’s office

Statement Regarding Next Steps After Prop 1 Election

In a historic election, Austin voters rejected Prop 1.

Whether or not Uber and Lyft choose to leave town, the City is committed to ensuring that Austinites, both drivers and riders, have transportation and job options including TNC services.

We are moving forward in several different ways, including:

  1. We remain open to talking with Lyft and Uber whether they are operating in Austin or not;
  2. We are working to help TNCs that operate in Austin to be successful. There is going to be greater demand than service for a period of time. We ask the community to show some patience;
  3. We are exploring a local non-profit TNC with Austin entrepreneurs;
  4. We are working towards creating the pool of fingerprinted drivers (with the support of the City or through a third party such as Thumb’s Up!);
  5. We are working with Cap Metro and others to find solutions for seniors, people with disabilities, and other members of the community in need;
  6. We are working to develop ground transportation regulations that do not pick winners and losers, and
  7. We are working toward expanding the full range of transportation options.

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