Category Archives: Public Safety

Public Safety refers to criminal justice, code enforcement, disaster preparedness, fire, police, emergency medical services, municipal court, judicial appointments, and related matters.

Speech: State of Our City

We’re going to talk about “change” tonight, because Austin is ready for change. We’ve voted for change. But if you want to see change — look around. 1,200 of us in an accessible, free, community-gathering place. This is what change in government feels like!

Thank you Christopher Michael for poetry that challenges us to build bridges. Thank you Max Frost for starting this evening with live music, after all we’re in Austin, Texas. Thank you, Valentina Tovar, for a beautiful speech. Your generation’s passion is a powerful example to mine. Finally, thank you Dr. Cruz for joining other central Texas superintendents and school boards in educating our children, perhaps the single most important thing we do to insure economic opportunity and preserve our quality of life. And thank you for letting us borrow such a fabulous facility.

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Speech: Austin Chamber

Austin Chamber Speech
Thank you very much Gene for that generous introduction. It’s an honor to be here with you today and I also want to thank the Austin Chamber for hosting this conversation. It’s also great to see some of my colleagues here and also so many friendly faces.

But today among many friends, I wanted to more informally share some thoughts.

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