Click to read the study led by a Texas A&M researcher, “Identifying airborne transmission as the dominant route for the spread of COVID-19” and here to read “Widespread facemask use could shrink the ‘R’ number and prevent a second COVID-19 wave.”
The progress we made in flattening the Austin’s curve is evaporating. Rising COVID-19 infection and hospitalization rates mean that each of us is faced with moral choices at this moment. Tonight, we’ll discuss how what we do tells the world what–and who–we think is important.
Thursday, May 28, 2020 — On tonight’s evening address, I mentioned several ways to get or give help in Austin during the COVID-19 crisis. Here are some links and contact information to get you started.
(statement updated 4/27/20)
I’m very disturbed by the spectator’s video I’ve now seen on which Mike Ramos does not appear to threaten but ends up dead. There’s got to be a better way. The use of force is the most most potent and irreversible of a police officer’s tools and requires trust between officers and the communities they protect. We may not yet know all the facts and we need to before we pass final judgment, but we know what we see, people are hurting, and there are many questions. We must respond to this moment and also to the fear, anxiety and lack of confidence expressed by communities of color. I have told the Manager we need a quick and complete assessment of this shooting and then an immediate sharing of all relevant information with the community. This incident happens against the backdrop of investigations and assessments of the department that must also be full, transparent, concluded and reported.