Tag Archives: reform

Our Big Accomplishments of 2015
In our first year under the new 10-1 form of government, your Austin City Council set high goals for what we could accomplish in the first year. We are proud to have made real progress toward improving Austin for everyone. We’re looking forward to an even more productive 2016.
See the full list here.
CLIP: Austin officials considering overhaul of lobbyist rules
AUG 24, 2015 – The Austin City Council is considering major reforms to the city’s loophole-ridden and poorly enforced lobbying regulations. Austin’s four-decade-old lobbying law requires lobbyists to register at City Hall and disclose who their clients are…. Full story Austin American-Statesman
CLIP: Austin Mayor Steve Adler targets ‘dark money’ election donations
AUG 24, 2015 – A year ago, during the thick of the City Council campaign season, some Austin voters received mysterious phone calls telling them not to vote for then-mayoral candidate Steve Adler. The callers described Adler, …. Full story Austin American-Statesman
CLIP: Study Finds ‘Cautious Optimism,’ Increased Voter Turnout in 10-1 System’s First Year
MAY 15, 2015 – After a couple of hours of what at times seemed like a freshman seminar in medieval linguistics, late Monday evening the 20-member Transportation Policy Board of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization …. Full story Austin Chronicle